I wanted to post a few items from Betty's link:
http://www.ashevillenc.gov/uploadedFiles/Business/Development_Services/Planning_and_Zoning/Annexation/2010Plan_for_Services_from_Council_Agenda.pdf for everyone to ponder...
All of the following was copied directly from the above linkIn Regards to Trash Pick-Up"Properties along private roadways will need to have a private road agreement signed prior to Sanitation Division vehicles serving the properties. Alternatively, private roads can be improved to City of Asheville standards and application made to the City of Asheville for acceptance. One additional alternative is that the residents be offered the option to bring their trash, recycling, and brush to the nearest City-maintained road.
The following are private roadways where trees would need to be trimmed back in addition to having a private roadway agreement in place before service is provided:
• Fox Hollow Court
• Spring Cove Road
• Spring Cove Court
• Oak Terrace
The homes along the following private roadways would need to bring trash to the nearest City-maintained road as the conditions of the roadways make them inaccessible for Sanitation Division vehicles. A private roadway agreement would not be an option for these locations based on current roadway conditions.
• Mount Royal Drive
• Appian Way
• Bramblewood Road
• Green Acres Lane
• Moss Lane
• Rosscraggon Court (proposed for reconstruction)
In Regards to StreetsThere are fourteen (14) existing street lights that are proposed to be taken over by the City at an annual cost of $180.00 per light. The annual cost for maintaining the existing street lights in the Royal Pines Area is $2,520.00. There are no existing sidewalks in the Royal Pines Area.
Six (6) stormwater lids require placement at an expected cost of $4,000.00. Cedar Lane, Locust Court and Morgan Boulevard require minor surface repair at a cost of $2,000.00. Asphalt overlays are required on Crestview Court and Fox Hollow Court at a cost of $10,560.00 and $41,250.00 respectively.
It is proposed to reconstruct Rosscragon Court to bring it up to City standards which includes removal of several large trees, excavation and widening, construction of a stone base and applying binder and top course asphalt. Estimated cost is $61,463.00. It is proposed that repairs be divided over a two (2) year period.
In Regards to WaterRoyal Pines Area:
Potable water is available to all parcels in this annexation area on substantially the same level as other parts of the City. Improvements to fire protection will be made by adding 500’ of 6” waterline and 3 additional fire hydrants. The proposed improvements are depicted on the included Royal Pines Area Infrastructure Proposed Improvements map. One fire hydrant will be located at the intersection of Rathfarnham and Tuckaway Drive. One fire hydrant will be required at the intersection of Fox Hollow Court and Saint Johns Street. The 500’ of new 6”
26 waterline will be installed approximately from 21 Fox Hollow Ct to 29 Fox Hollow
Ct. A fire hydrant will be installed at the end of the new section of 6” waterline near 29 Fox Hollow Ct. The estimated cost for all the proposed water infrastructure improvements within the Royal Pines Area is $45,500.00. All proposed improvements will be completed within two years of the annexation effective date.